
How Fit, Er, Fat, Are You? Examining The Current Definition Of Fat And How It Applies To You

Personal fitness, er, fatness, is no longer measured in the amount of muscle you have, or the amount of fat encircling your middle. Why? The answers may surprise you. You may even have to examine how the new definition of fat applies you personally. Body Fat Fat is fat, right? Actually, it is not. There is visceral fat, and there is subcutaneous fat. These two kinds of fat in and on the body are the worst fat deposits you can have. Read More 

Planning A Vacation With The Extended Family? Why You Should Rent A Vacation Home Instead Of Hotel Rooms

If you and your extended family are planning a summer vacation together, don't spend your money on a hotel. A hotel isn't going to provide your family with everything you'll need to enjoy a perfect vacation. If you're wondering where you'll stay instead, the answer is in a vacation rental home. When you rent a home, your family will enjoy the fun of a vacation with the comfort of a true home away from home. Read More 

Getting Your Teen Involved In Classical Ballet

Every teenager needs activities so that they can feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment. If you are looking to get your teenager in a specific activity, you really can't go wrong with dance lessons. It's never too late to learn a new art, and ballet is one of the most sophisticated and timeless forms of dance that your teen can study. As a parent, you should learn all you can about classical ballet for teens so that you can then put your child in it allow them to reap the advantages. Read More 

Three Considerations For Buying And Installing A Custom Shotgun Magazine Tube

When you're shopping for a shotgun, you should always have a clear idea of how you intend to use it. This way, you can also give some thought to what customizations you might wish to make. Generally, the retailer at which you buy your firearm will also stock a wide range of accessories that you can buy at the same time, thus allowing you to ensure that your shotgun meets your standards. Read More 

Three Reasons To Walk Slowly When You’re Hunting Deer

If you're a new deer hunter, it's easy to be exuberant when you're out hunting your prey that you walk quickly or even run. While you might need to hustle if you graze a deer and it dashes away, you should generally take a slower approach. The most obvious reason to walk slowly is that you'll be quieter, which will allow you to get closer to your prey without scaring it away. Read More